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Development and application of water-based BOPP plastic ink from the perspective of circular economy

Date:2024-02-23  From:Star Color   

With the increasingly serious global environmental problems, the circular economy has become an important trend in today's social development.As a traditional high-pollution industry, the printing industry is facing great environmental protection pressure.As an environmentally friendly printing material, water-based ink has the advantages of low VOCs emissions, non-toxic and harmless, and has become the key to achieve green transformation in the printing industry.From the perspective of circular economy, the application of water-based BOPP plastic ink is of great significance to promote the sustainable development of the printing industry.

The development trend of water-based BOPP plastic ink

In recent years, with the advancement of technology and the improvement of environmental protection requirements, water-based BOPP plastic inks have shown the following development trends:

Technological innovation: In order to meet the changing printing needs, water-based BOPP plastic inks continue to innovate in terms of formulation, performance and application areas.The new water-based BOPP plastic ink has better adhesion, wear resistance and color expression, which provides guarantee for the quality of printed matter.

Environmental performance improvement: With the increasingly stringent environmental regulations, the environmental performance of water-based BOPP plastic ink has become the focus of research and development.Low VOCs and no harmful additives have become the development goals of water-based BOPP plastic inks, aiming to reduce the harm to the environment and the human body.

Application field expansion: With the maturity of water-based BOPP plastic ink technology, its application field is also continuing to expand.In addition to the traditional packaging printing, label printing and other fields, the application of water-based BOPP plastic ink in decorative printing, textile printing and other fields has gradually increased to meet the diversified needs of the market.
water-based BOPP plastic ink
Advantages of water-based BOPP plastic ink from the perspective of circular economy

From the perspective of circular economy, the advantages of water-based BOPP plastic ink are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Resource saving: The main component of water-based BOPP plastic ink is water, which is rich in resources and can be recycled.Compared with traditional solvent-based inks, water-based inks can greatly reduce resource consumption and reduce production costs.

Reduce environmental pollution: Because the composition of water-based BOPP plastic ink is mainly water, its VOCs emissions are extremely low, and the impact on the environment is small.This helps to reduce air pollution and ozone layer destruction during the printing process, reducing damage to ecosystems.

Recycling: Under the framework of circular economy, waste printed matter can be recycled to achieve effective use of resources.After the use of water-based BOPP plastic ink printed matter is discarded, it can be easily recycled and processed to reduce the pressure on the environment.

Promoting industrial upgrading: Promoting the application of water-based BOPP plastic inks can prompt printing companies to upgrade technology and update equipment, improve production efficiency and product quality.This helps to promote the structural adjustment and industrial upgrading of the printing industry.

Application status and prospect of water-based BOPP plastic ink

At present, water-based BOPP plastic ink has been widely used in the printing market at home and abroad.In the fields of packaging printing and label printing, water-based BOPP plastic ink has been widely recognized for its excellent environmental performance and printing effect.With the progress of technology and the accumulation of application experience, its application field will be further expanded to decorative printing, textile printing and other fields.

In the future, with the continuous improvement of environmental awareness and the in-depth development of the circular economy, the market demand for water-based BOPP plastic ink will continue to grow.It is expected that more printing enterprises will use water-based BOPP plastic ink as the main printing material to reduce environmental pollution in the production process and improve the sustainable development ability of enterprises.At the same time, with the advancement of technology and in-depth research, the performance of water-based BOPP plastic ink will be further improved to meet a wider range of printing needs.

In addition, the government and social organizations will also play an important role in promoting water-based BOPP plastic inks.The government can encourage printing companies to use water-based BOPP plastic inks through the introduction of relevant policies, while increasing publicity efforts to improve public awareness of environmental protection.Social organizations can also guide more people to pay attention to and use environmentally friendly printing materials by carrying out environmental education activities and publicity and promotion activities.

The development and application of water-based BOPP plastic ink from the perspective of circular economy is of great significance to promote the green transformation of the printing industry.In order to better play the environmental advantages and application potential of water-based BOPP plastic ink, the following suggestions are put forward:

Strengthen technology research and development and innovation: Encourage enterprises to increase investment in the research and development of water-based BOPP plastic ink technology, and continuously improve its environmental performance and application range.Promote the sustainable development of the printing industry through technological innovation.

Promotion and application: Actively promote the wide application of water-based BOPP plastic water-based ink in various fields, especially to strengthen the promotion of food packaging, pharmaceutical packaging and other fields.

Establish a recycling system: Establish and improve the recycling system of waste printed matter, and realize the effective recycling of resources through reasonable and effective recycling methods.

Strengthen policy support: The government should increase the policy support for the water-based BOPP plastic water-based ink industry, and promote the rapid development of the industry through tax incentives, financial support and other measures.

Establish a cooperation mechanism: strengthen cooperation and exchanges between enterprises, and jointly promote the healthy development of water-based BOPP plastic water-based ink industry.

From the perspective of circular economy, the application and practice of water-based BOPP plastic water-based ink have important practical significance and social value.Through the implementation of measures such as increasing research and development efforts, promoting the scope of application, establishing recycling systems, strengthening policy support and establishing cooperation mechanisms, it can promote the rapid development of water-based BOPP plastic water-based ink industry and make positive contributions to the sustainable development of the printing industry.At the same time, enterprises and all sectors of society should work together to raise environmental awareness, strengthen the enforcement of environmental regulations, and promote the green transformation of the entire industry.
water-based BOPP plastic ink