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Distinguishing between water-based ink and oil ink

Date:2024-05-20  From:Star Color   

When comparing water-based inks and oil-based inks, we need to focus on their respective characteristics and differences. Here are more accurate descriptions of solid content, drying time, and adhesion:

Water-based Ink:
Solid Content: The solid content of water-based ink varies depending on specific applications and ink formulations, but it is not necessarily higher than oil-based ink. Solid content refers to the proportion of non-volatile matter in the ink, which affects the ink's viscosity, color intensity, and the thickness of the dried ink layer.
Drying Time: As water-based ink uses water as a diluent, it usually dries faster. After the water evaporates, the pigments and additives in the ink can quickly form a solid ink layer, resulting in a relatively shorter drying time.
Adhesion: After drying, water-based ink forms a solid and sturdy ink layer. Its adhesion depends on the adhesion between the ink and the substrate as well as the ink formulation. Under proper application conditions, water-based ink can provide good adhesion and abrasion resistance.

Oil-based Ink:
Solid Content: The solid content of oil-based ink also varies depending on the ink type and formulation. Compared to water-based ink, the solid content of oil-based ink may be lower in some cases, as oil-based ink usually contains more organic solvents.
Drying Time: Oil-based ink uses organic solvents as a diluent, and its drying speed is usually slower than water-based ink. Organic solvents evaporate more slowly, so the ink takes longer to dry and cure. (Note: The previous statement has been corrected to reflect that oil-based ink dries slower than water-based ink.)
Adhesion: The adhesion of oil-based ink is also influenced by the ink formulation and the nature of the substrate. Under suitable printing conditions, oil-based ink can form an abrasion-resistant, waterproof, and chemical-resistant ink layer, providing good adhesion.

It's important to note that the choice between water-based and oil-based ink depends on specific printing requirements, substrate types, environmental considerations, and cost. When selecting an ink, one should consider all these factors and make the best choice based on the actual situation.

water-based ink

To distinguish between water-based and oil-based ink, some common methods can be used:

Examining the Appearance and Odor of the Ink:
Appearance: Water-based ink usually appears more transparent or semi-transparent due to its higher water content, while oil-based ink may appear thicker and more opaque due to its organic solvents.
Odor: Oil-based ink often has a stronger chemical odor due to its organic solvent components, while water-based ink tends to have a lighter or no odor.

Testing the Solubility of the Ink:
Trying to dissolve a small amount of ink in water: Water-based ink will quickly dissolve in water, while oil-based ink will not.
Conversely, dropping ink onto an organic solvent (such as alcohol): Oil-based ink will dissolve faster, while water-based ink will not.